Be Self Driven

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Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Realize Your Potential

Song of Life


Charles Dickens once said, “I never could have done what I have done without the habits of diligence, and determination to concentrate on one subject at a time.” 

This one quote gives you the clear recipe to realize your true potential.

Diligence, Determination and Focus. 

Focus comes from proper goal setting. Diligence is doing something carefully with a thorough understanding of what you are doing. Determination comes from strong self-belief. 

Remember this. If you don't believe in yourself no one else is going to believe in you.

Mahatma Gandhi's famous quote, "Find Purpose. Means will Follow!", is the greatest validation of the importance having a clear goal and purpose in life.

If you inculcate the habit of having your daily dose of these ingredients it is certain that you will not just realize your true potential but go beyond that!

Be Self Driven

Song of Life


The theoretical term for being self driven is being Intrinsically Motivated. What is the theory behind Intrinsic Motivation?

Intrinsic motivation is the act of doing something without any obvious external rewards. You do it because it’s enjoyable and interesting, rather than because of an outside incentive or pressure to do it, such as a reward or deadline.

An example of intrinsic motivation would be reading a book because you enjoy reading and have an interest in the story or subject, rather than reading because you have to write a report on it to pass a class.

The most recognized theory of intrinsic motivation was first based on people’s needs and drives. Hunger, thirst, and sex are biological needs that we’re driven to pursue in order to live and be healthy.

Just like these biological needs, people also have psychological needs that must be satisfied in order to develop and thrive. These include the need for competence, autonomy, and relatedness.

Along with satisfying these underlying psychological needs, intrinsic motivation also involves seeking out and engaging in activities that we find challenging, interesting, and internally rewarding without the prospect of any external reward.

There is a French saying the translation of which goes like this. 

"An Artist is Never Poor!" The implied meaning of this saying is, the creative process experienced by an artist while working on his creation is so very enjoyable and enriching that he does not need an external financial reward to be rich!

Converting everything that we do into an enjoyable and exhilarating experience makes us perpetually motivated and engaged. This is the only way to be eternally self driven and it is the only path to success.

Set Your Goals

Song of Life

When setting personal goals, being specific is the key. For example, just challenging yourself to learn something new is too general and not specific. You have got no way of tracking your progress, and there is no specific outcome. To put it bluntly if your goals are not specific, you are not going to achieve anything.

Now the Theory:

Every SMART goal needs to have these elements:

  1. Specific. The goal should have a clear, highly-specific endpoint. If your goal is too vague, it won’t be SMART.
  2. Measurable. You need to be able to accurately track your progress, so you can judge when a goal will be met.
  3. Attainable. Of course, setting a goal that’s too ambitious will see you struggle to achieve it. This will sap at your motivation, both now and in the future.
  4. Relevant. The goal you pick should be pertinent to your chosen field, or should benefit you directly.
  5. Time-Bound. Finally, setting a timeframe for your goal helps quantify it further, and helps keep your focus on track.
Theory is of no use unless it is put into practice.